Feb. 17, 2005

Vinaria 2005

The spirit of the traditional Bulgarian wine cellar came to life on February 16 at the Plovdiv Fair. On an area of 110 sq. m. Vinprom Karnobat built an authentic wine cellar, which welcomed its visitors at Vinaria 2005. The company turned its stand into an attraction for the visitors. One could feel the touch of the ancient local tradition of wine- and brandy-making, which has been made into a ritual by the Karnobat locals. Putting an ear on casks everyone could hear the seething of the live fluid and anticipate the pleasant tickle in the throat and the gentle pinch on the tongue. The taste of imminent bliss.

Styled in an authentic National Revival fashion, the cellar attracted the visitors from a distance. Tempted by the beautiful branded arcs, the visitors of Vinaria could take a walks around the oak casks brimful of Vinprom Karnobat flavorful beverages, the ancient’s houses’ frontage, and the tasting spots made of timber and stone.


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