Oct. 30, 2009

Wood-nymphs squash grapes for Karnobat brandy

Wood-nymphs squash grapes for Karnobat brandy
A ton of grapes was squashed by wood-nyphes for the new TV commercial of Karnobat brandy. It is directed by Petko Spasov and shot by Noble Graphics agency. The same team made the famous commercial in which some Scotsmen are enjoying the best seller  of Bulgarian beverages and dancing Bulgarian horo.

The new TV commercial tells about the old traditions in Karnobat region and the subtlety of Bulgarian brandy makers. The soundtrack of the commercial is old Bulgarian folk song rearanged by composer Martin  Lubenov. The commercial is re-creating the atmosphere at vintage time,  Production manager at Karnobat Wine Cellar Stoyan Stoyanov said. “We show the rituals in brandy production. The lads and lassies used to gather the grapes with smiles and songs infecting the mellow brandy with their mood. These rituals have preserved the Bulgarian spirit during the centuries and Karnobat brandy is still symbol of Bulgarian spirit, director said. As long as the shooting took place the actors got acquainted with the process of brandy production - from the vineyards to the barrels where they tasted the fiery liquor. Some of them took part in gathering of the grapes.  The lassies in wood-nymphs garments squashed over 1 ton of grapes during shooting the commercial in the process of achieving the best shots. The barrel they squashed the grapes in is more than a hundred years old. 

The natural scenery for the shots were Karnobat Wine Cellar vineyards. `It took us a week to walk through 18 000 decares of vineyards and all of them were so splendid  that it was not easy  to chose the best of the best`, the director said.  In the cellar we found barrels where high quality wines and brandy aged for years. They are living proof that because of the traditions and subtlety of Karnobat brandy makers Karnobat brandy is the very Bulgarian brandy, the actors said.

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